Clear Lake, by Dav Yaginuma


Under the program established for the Blue Ribbon Committee for the Rehabilitation of Clear Lake (AB 707), researchers from UC Davis Center for Regional Change (CRC) and UC Davis Tahoe Environmental Research Center (TERC) propose to conduct applied research to guide the  Committee in improving the environmental quality and economic outcomes for the communities surrounding Clear Lake in Lake County, California. This is a multi-year project (2018-2020) funded by the California Department of Fish & Wildlife. 

The CRC objectives are to inform social and economic decision-making activities, by conducting applied research to guide the Blue Ribbon Committee in improving outcomes for the communities surrounding Clear Lake in Lake County. The CRC will focus on developing a baseline socioeconomic analysis of the region, and community and tribal engagement around strategies to improve community vitality.

The TERC objectives are to understand those processes in the Clear Lake watershed and in the lake itself that are preventing rehabilitation of the lake water quality and ecosystem health. Using this knowledge, the California Department of Fish & Wildlife aims to create a set of numerical models that can be used to inform local and State decision-making. The data gathering will enable a long-term monitoring strategy to measure status and trends in the future. Click here to learn more about TERC's monitoring program and visualize real-time meteorological and water quality data from the Clear Lake watershed.

* Photo credit: Dav Yaginuma, licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0